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Every API request must have Authorization header with the word Bearer followed by a JWT token. For example:

Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGci.eyJlbWFpb.kw5p7CGYauITDdo

The token is provided by the user to the client app to act on their behalf.

If the token is not provided, invalid, or expired, the response will return the 401 Unauthorized HTTP status code with an error JSON response.


The error responses follow the JSON:API specification. See Errors section. Example response:

    "errors": [
            "detail": "Authorization header not found"

Error responses always have a 4xx (client error) or 5xx (server error) HTTP status code.


We follow GitHub API versioning. The version number is a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. The current version is 2023-12-31. The version number is always included in the API endpoint path as the first path component. For example:


Available endpoints